Sunday, May 30, 2010

Meaningless Part-2

One tries to understand then why the given function was not empty.

The possible reason is because the function for next one in the line is the function given by previous one(Predecessors) who in turn had it received it non empty from their ancestors.

Therefore going back in that order one finds that it began absolutely with empty but then somehow one of the predecessors got a new feeling of understanding at some point of time in that journey of function and since he had the privilege of starting it anew and making any additions at the name of inventions or innovations he called it empty(More Precisely "Zero") as till that time no one ever has experienced the fullness or even imagined what it means to be and therefore fullness at that moment of time actually meant empty in terms of understanding!!!

Mathematician cheated because if a firm A makes a loss of 200 Mn and another firm B makes a loss of 500 Mn then firm B should be a point of concern.It emphasized the size of loss instead of highlighting that both are a loss making firms at first place.So making comparison is a born disease and it does not differentiate in negative comparison and positive comparison and primarily looks for who is the winner when evaluating for positive comparison and who is the failure based on lowest negative value.

Then who authorizes the conclusion of above comparison? Anyone !! Condition is that one should have two sides ready for comparison.Equality sign (=) is the deal maker and carries the authority as stamp mark to declare the two sides being under comparison are indeed Equal.

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